JCamCalib: A Camera Calibration Utility. v0.7

What is this?

This program is a front-end for the Intel's Open Source Computer Vision library (OCV), specifically for camera intrinsic calibration and homography matrix computation.

OCV is an excellent library, but sometimes difficult to use. This is why I developed a front-end for some specific things that I'm using in my master's thesis. Firts, I needed an easy way to compute the camera intrinsic parameters (focal lenght, optical center) and the camera lens distortion coefficients (radial and tangential). OCV allow us to do that, but without a GUI. In the same way, I needed an easy way to compute homography matrices for some experiments of my research, and again OCV is a very good tool, but again without a GUI. I'm not fanatic of GUIs of course, but there are some tasks that are easier to do with a pretty user interface (or not?).

Then, this software allows to you:

Some ideas for this program was taken from Dizan Vásquez, when I was at INRIA Rhône-Alpes in my research stay in 2004.

What do you need?

  1. A Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed. I'm using Sun's JVM 1.4.2.
  2. The Intel's OCV library installed. Optionally, you can try precompiled versions of this library
  3. Linux (tested with Gentoo and Mandrake) or Windows (tested with WinXP)
  4. A little patience.

How it looks?

Here is the main window of the program.

Here is an example of chessboard pattern detection.

Here is the homography matrix results window.

How it works?

Here is the user's manual (draft version but enough to use the program) in PDF format with installation and using instructions (both Linux and Windows).

Where can you get it?

JCamCalib-v0_7-bin.tar.gz: Binary files to run in both Linux and Windows (jar file with Java classes and native libraries). See user's manual how to install and run.

JCamCalib-v0_7-ocv-libs.tar.gz: OCV precompiled libraries for both Linux and Windows. I don't known if this works for your system, but if you don't want to compile OCV you can try this option. For Linux you need to copy all files in /usr/local/lib/ and for Windows in C:\windows\system32\. Tested with Gentoo and Mandrake 10 distros, and with WinXP.

JCamCalib-v0_7-src.tar.gz: Java and C source files to build JCamCalib GUI and native libraries (Linux and Windows). You will need GNU C compiler (tested with 3.4.1 version) in Linux, or Visual C++ 6.0 for Windows.

JCamCalib-v0_7-test-images.tar.gz: Test images with chessboard patterns and some results.

chessboard-pattern.pdf: The chessboard pattern in PDF format.

Or you can try the SourceForge's project download page.

Is it a GPL program?

Yes, of course.

Who did it?

Hugo Ortega Hernández... questions? email me to hugorteg{drop_this_text} {at} gmail.com

I'm really sorry, but there are some programs with only spanish documentation. I promise I'll translate all comments and other stuff.

Last update: May 2005